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Viewing the Player Ladder
#Player NameExperienceClassLevelGuild
1 Stylers 34.79 % Sword 30 The Acadamy
2 Trance 0.13 % Sword 29 Click or Kick
3 vougeot 28.73 % Sword 28 Unfair Advantage
4 CzarnyAlibaba 70.44 % Sword 25
5 DMG 60.31 % Sword 25 Goose Squad
6 lol 29.75 % Sword 24 Drunken Slashers
7 Lazuras 81.34 % Sword 23 Storm
8 SOULeater22 74.92 % Sword 23 Storm
9 gogi 72.22 % Sword 23 Adventure Time
10 Protein 27.2 % Sword 23 Diversified Solutions
11 pauli 6.59 % Sword 23 Almost Decent
12 QueenSlash 3.42 % Sword 23 Mount Olympus
13 MorganLeFay 94.65 % Sword 22 Almost Decent
14 FiveFingerDP 62.65 % Sword 22 B's Private Guild
15 MoarCoffee 48.8 % Sword 21 Almost Decent
16 Knocker 46.1 % Sword 21 The Brotherhood
17 ilikeitlikethat 27.35 % Sword 21 The Trust
18 Sassafras 14.18 % Sword 21 B's Private Guild
19 Crank 8.56 % Sword 21 Almost Decent
20 TiM 1.65 % Sword 21 Almost Decent
21 CrankyOldPhart 0.17 % Sword 21 Almost Decent
22 Naadge 0.02 % Sword 21 V
23 Mizzowned 44.73 % Sword 20 Enhanced Effect
24 ShadowPrincess3 40.72 % Sword 20 Mount Olympus
25 Noobozaur 31.89 % Sword 20
26 Nic 0.08 % Sword 20 Click or Kick
27 I006 0 % Sword 20 Diablo II
28 CrankRules 85.99 % Sword 19 Almost Decent
29 RobertMcCall 64.11 % Sword 19 Dignity
30 RaXu 58.48 % Sword 19 ersguterjunge
31 PumpkinKing 54.05 % Sword 19 Pumpkin World
32 Cranky 40.72 % Sword 19 Almost Decent
33 xXxWSNxXx 37.5 % Sword 19 Ancient Blood
34 CornBread 32.01 % Sword 19 Honesty
35 Vexen 25.29 % Sword 19 The Purebreeds
36 PapaRick 3.54 % Sword 19 Almost Decent
37 EndlessSkyline 2.84 % Sword 19 Storm
38 Skies 0.57 % Sword 19 Almost Decent
39 Baloid 0.04 % Sword 19
40 CrankyRocks 89.16 % Sword 18 Almost Decent
41 BeltzeBuBi 86.01 % Sword 18 Storm
42 CrankenSteiner 85.93 % Sword 18 Almost Decent
43 Azua 84.36 % Sword 18 37 Degree
44 CrankyCritHitter 68.06 % Sword 18 Almost Decent
45 CrankenSlasher 67.43 % Sword 18 Almost Decent
46 CrankyPants 63.25 % Sword 18 Almost Decent
47 CrankenStomper 55.42 % Sword 18 Almost Decent
48 CrankenGrinder 48.81 % Sword 18 Almost Decent
49 CrankyPuss 48.71 % Sword 18 Almost Decent
50 AlmostCranked 48.34 % Sword 18 Almost Decent

Ladder Slasher and all content and images on these pages are owned by d2jsp and Paul Taulborg. You may not copy or reuse any of the content or images without direct written permission from Paul Taulborg. All rights reserved.